“If you think its expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur.”
We understand that finding the right candidate is extremely important. This is why we use some of the best software for harnessing social media and internet platforms. Through experience, we've learned that it is still important to engage active and passive talent through Grassroots recruiting as well. We utilize several different local and non-profit partnerships to source quality candidates through all backgrounds.
WorkSolved performs a high-quality screening process with every candidate before submission. We understand this is the first step in saving our clients time and money. From basic and preferred qualifications to soft skills and personality profiles, we work to ensure candidates will be as good a technical fit as a culture fit. We accomplish this through in-person, phone, or virtual interviews as well as in-depth reference checks.
We understand that time is extremely valuable. Our selection process is founded on presenting only the top-tier, highest-caliber candidates to our clients. Our job is to make the hiring process as efficient and straightforward as possible.
Follow up is extremely important. We understand the need and importance of retaining top talent as well as having a live talent pipeline in place. We make it a priority to communicate daily in our hiring process so you know what we're doing for you